Understanding Ruby Laser Tattoo Removal

If you are mulling over the idea of ditching a tattoo in the most effective way currently possible, then understanding ruby laser tattoo removal will supply you with confidence that a capable method exists. Have you been debating over whether to risk subjecting yourself to treatment that may forever blemish your skin? Ruby laser tattoo removal is the hands-down best method for restoring the natural vibrancy and tone of skin lying under that unwanted mess of ink.

Ruby Laser Tattoo Removal – How It Works

What’s so special about ruby laser tattoo removal in the first place? Well; the first thing to do is consider exactly what a tattoo is, in order to see why the ruby laser is so effective in removing one. You are sure to accidentally smudged or purposely written on your hand before with marker or ink, right? You know that you can either wipe it off or clean it off using soap and water. The truth of the matter is that your body is actually helping you remove it, as well, by absorbing some of the ink and breaking it down in order to eliminate it. The tattoo prohibits the body from doing this because the particles comprising the ink are simply too big for the body to slough off.

An understanding of ruby laser tattoo removal yields the process of showering these large particles with intense red light that breaks them up into smaller particles, which the body can then eliminate as a part of the healing process. The great heat simply blasts them apart. Not all lasers have the required wavelength to do this (they’re not quite powerful enough, basically); the ruby laser is able to deliver a powerful-enough pulse in a short-enough time (prohibiting injury to your actual skin) to give your skin’s antibodies the leg-up they need to start the process of erasing your tattoo.

Understanding Ruby Laser Tattoo Removal – A Powerful Machine

Research that lead to understanding ruby laser tattoo removal after years of trying lesser lasers, resulted in the development of the stallion of laser-removal machines. The Astanza Trinity laser employs a triumvirate of comprehensive lasers that are capable of conquering any combination of colored tattoos, breaking them down and essentially eating them alive. This mighty laser accomplishes this by using in tandem the Nd:YAG laser, as well as a ruby laser, to encompass the entire range of possible tattoo colors (because the laser wouldn’t be able to remove any color ink it couldn’t simulate). The ruby is essential in removing tattoos from any color of skin because of this, making it a universal laser tattoo removal machine, unlike ones that only use the Nd:YAG configuration.

To facilitate understanding of ruby laser tattoo removal you must know why the ruby laser has pushed the field into a new era, and those people who might have been excluded from getting tattoos removed should now be excited. The laser light must be able to match the color of the ink, in order to ensure that it is the ink which absorbs the great and scathing pulse rather than skin tissue. In the past, some colors had to be excluded to ensure the safety of the patient, leaving unsatisfying half-tattoos on the arms of disgruntled customers.

About the Author: Tadmin51