The Nuts & Bolts of How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

The Basics of How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

You’ve been hearing about tattoo removal and maybe you are thinking about getting a tattoo removed but you want to know exactly how laser tattoo removal works. Thanks to technology the tattoo removal process is becoming more pain-free and effective all the time.

Lasers work for the tattoo removal services by projecting short pulses of intense light that pass through the top layers of skin and are selectively absorbed by the various pigments of the tattoo. The laser causes the pigment of the tattoo to breakup into small particles that are then naturally removed by the body’s immune system. The Q-switch laser is the weapon of choice because it offers dermatologists flexibility and provides you with a safe procedure.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works On Different Pigments

Lasers can effectively remove tattoos with a low risk of scarring, according to the American Academy of Dermatology . The type of laser used to remove a tattoo depends on the tattoo’s pigment or colors: yellow and green are the hardest colors to remove; blue and black are the easiest. Hyperpigmentation and Hypopigmentation is basically the change in skin pigment or color. The natural skin pigment eventually returns after some time though with are no lasting effects.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Feels

With any medical procedure there’s always risks involved. Fortunately, laser tattoo removal has very few and not serious. Some off the typical side effects that will dissipate after a few days are:

  • Sunburn like sensation of treated area
  • Superficial skin flaking
  • Redness
  • Swelling

Pretreatment preparation contributes to how laser tattoo removal works and might include the application of an anesthetic cream before the session. It is wiped off just before laser surgery begins. Pinpoint bleeding is sometimes associated with the procedure. Then pulses of light from the laser are directed onto the tattoo, breaking up the pigment. Over the next few weeks, the body’s scavenger cells remove pigment residues.

If your tattoos are interfering with your life by keeping you from that awesome job or constantly reminding you of your X and you are seeking to have them removed, Laser tattoo removal may be right for you. It’s safe, effective and practically painless. Please consult your professional laser tattoo removal facility to determine how laser tattoo removal works and gives you back your opportunities.

About the Author: Tadmin51