Tattoo Removals Using Lasers in Houston and Sugar Land

Before the advent of laser technologies, the biggest risk factor in getting a tattoo was that tattoo removals were not possible. Tattoos were permanent and could not be removed without severe skin tissue damage. That was the case until just about two decades ago. With the invention of new laser techniques, tattoo removals went from being a dream to a reality. Any unwanted or embarrassing tattoo could be removed using these innovative techniques.

History Of Tattoo Removals

Tattoos have been a part of human civilization, perhaps, since the beginning of time. In some cultures it is used to represent rank or status, and is considered a permanent mark of honor within that culture. In the American society tattoos are often a tool of independent self-expression; and the freedom to acquire tattoos is left to the discretion of the individual. People tend to choose certain tattoos based on their personal beliefs or preferences in life.
The Rising Demand for Tattoo Removals

Many people have tattoos that are unwanted and they wish were no longer there. Perhaps a couple who have been together awhile break up and she no longer wishes to wear the brand of her ex. Maybe a fun night with friends goes too far. Whatever the reason, if anyone wants to seek tattoo removals, one can simply seek a facility offering laser tattoo removals. Since its development in the late 1980s scientists have continued working to perfect the art of laser tattoo removals.
Tattoo Removals Made Easy With Lasers

Laser tattoo removals are not magical procedures that completely and effortlessly remove a tattoo after one treatment. Many offices offering tattoo removals caution patients that tattoos may never be fully removed. Some of the factors that determine if, and how much, pigment will be left behind in the patient’s skin after tattoo removals take place include the size and location of the tattoo; as well as the person’s ability to heal, the process of how the tattoo was applied, and how long the tattoo has been in place. Another determining factor is the type of tattoo ink used to create the tattoo. With over 100 different tattoo inks used today, it is impossible for doctors to determine the type of ink used on everyone that has had, or will have, tattoo removals.
How Laser Tattoo Removals Work

Laser tattoo removals work through Q-switching. The typical laser device used for tattoo removals employs this technology. Q-switching works by generating small pulses of intense light that harmlessly passes through the top layer of skin, the epidermis, and energizes the tattoo ink located in the vascular dermis layer. The laser causes the pigment of the tattoo to break into tiny fragments. The fragments are then removed from the body by the immune system working in the blood stream.
Do Laser Tattoo Removals Require Multiple Sessions

It is very rare that tattoo removals take only one laser treatment session. With each new session the pigment within the image is broken down more and more, causing the tattoo to slowly disappear little by little over time. It is common for tattoo removals to be completed in six or more sessions. Again, the actual amount of sessions will vary per individual based on varying factors such as the size of the tattoo, the location of the tattoo, and the patient’s ability to heal.
Laser Tattoo Removals Overall

People wishing to seek tattoo removals are at an advantage these days. Though treatment for tattoo removals will require more than one session, the end result will be more than gratifying and leave them with a feeling of “a new beginning.”

About the Author: Tadmin51