Safe Tattoo Removal With Nd:YAG and Ruby Lasers

The Growing Need for Effective and Safe Tattoo Removal

The art of tattooing is extremely ancient and widespread throughout the world but only recently has safe tattoo removal become important.  In our modern era, the popularity of the tattoo continues to experience unprecedented growth across all demographic segments of society.  Unfortunately, along with this great proliferation of tattoos comes a contingent proliferation of body art mistakes and mishaps.   What seems like a great idea at the time can often become a tragic error in retrospect.  The permanence of a tattoo—the very aspect of tattooing that provides a lasting expression of an individual’s personality and tastes—can often become a nightmare for those who fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Body art customers who have received sub-par or rapidly deteriorating work.
  • Individuals who have outgrown the tattoos that once appropriately represented their affiliations and sensibilities.

Anyone reconsidering the style, placement, or choice of a recently acquired tattoo.

Safe Tattoo Removal with Lasers

Whatever the reason, those wishing to rid themselves of unwanted body art have only one choice if they are looking fore effective and safe tattoo removal:  a series of laser treatments with a reputable tattoo removal clinic.  This process removes tattoos without scarring and with a bare minimum of pain by using intense beams of light to break apart tattoo ink pigment in the skin, which then allows the body’s own immune cells to remove these pigments as they would remove any foreign contaminant.  This natural process leads to effective and safe tattoo removal. Safe Laser Tattoo Removal Houston, Sugar Land, Katy With NdYAG.

Various Laser Technologies For Safe Tattoo Removal

What most people seeking safe tattoo removal might not realize, however, is that there are several laser tattoo removal treatment systems currently on the market.  Brief explanations of these these various laser technologies as well as a general discussion of laser body art removal and body art removal in general can be found at  While all of these systems work in similar ways and serve to accomplish the same general goal of safe tattoo removal, they exhibit certain pointed differences that should be carefully considered.  Two of the most popular and effective systems of safe tattoo removal are the Nd:YAG and Ruby lasers.  While both of these technologies use concentrated beams of light to eradicate tattoo ink and promote safe tattoo removal without scarring, each has its own subtly different attributes to consider.

Nd:YAG and Ruby Lasers: Two Safe Tattoo Removal Options.

The significant difference between these two safe tattoo removal systems lies in the relationship between clearance rate (the amount of pigment being removed from the skin after every treatment) and hypopigmentation (the loss of natural skin color).  While the Ruby laser has a markedly higher rate of tattoo clearance, it has been known to contribute to the chance of hypopigmentation in the area of skin covering and directly surrounding the tattoo.  However, the Nd:YAG laser, while offering a lower rate of tattoo clearance, has exhibited no evidence of hypopigmentation in clinical studies.  Those interested in learning more about the various pros and cons of the Nd:YAG and Ruby laser safe tattoo removal systems can examine the results of recent clinical trails at

Consumers seeking safe tattoo removal should consider their particular wants and needs, do the necessarily research consulting reputable authorities on the matter, and finally choose the laser technology that works best for their (and their tattoo’s) specific situation.  By finding the right tattoo removal system, the smart consumer will ensure an effective and safe tattoo removal experince.

About the Author: Tadmin51