Laser Fast Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal in Houston provides safe and effective tattoo removal using state-of-the-art laser technology that can completely remove your skin ink with little or no scarring.

Tattoos can be a great way to express yourself and create a special identity. But you may wake up one morning and decide that the big mermaid on your bicep with the name of your ex-lover etched in crimson underneath just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Busting a Few Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston Myths

People think that tattoos are permanent and that any attempt to remove them will fail or leave unsightly skin discoloration and scarring. Years ago that was often the case, especially if you relied on ineffective tattoo removal creams or painful skin “sanding.” Other methods such as surgery and cryogenic treatment almost always left some residual scarring.

But with the latest laser technology at Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston, ink is destroyed under the skin with only minor discomfort.

How Our Lasers Work

At Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston, we use the precision Astanza Trinity Laser which combines Nd:YAG and Ruby Laser technologies in one device. By applying different wavelengths to attack the full spectrum of pigment colors, the laser pulses essentially break down the ink under the skin and the body’s own immune system carries away the debris.

While lasers give satisfactory results, other factors may affect the treatment process, such as:

Skin tone
Size and complexity of the tattoo
Its location
Age of the tattoo.

Because these factors can significantly vary from person to person, laser tattoo removal in Houston is not 100 percent guaranteed.

Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston works best on:

Paler skin with a layer of underlying fat;
Superficial tattoos on the arms, chest, buttocks and leg;
Older tattoos where the ink has faded;
Tattoos that were professionally applied.

Tattoos on the ankles, toes, fingers, or scalp—areas with minimal underlying fat—can be more challenging for laser tattoo removal in Houston.

Occasionally, hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening) of the treated area may occur.
Does Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston hurt?

Some people describe the sensation of laser tattoo removal in Houston as akin to a harsh sunburn. Others say it feels like someone’s snapping a rubber band against their skin. Still others compare it to getting splattered with hot grease. In some instances, blistering and scabbing can occur, but it’s probably less painful than getting that tattoo in the first place!

At Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston, we emphasize proper aftercare to optimize healing and limit scarring. Any discomfort you experience will come after the treatment, and over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol are usually effective (medication such as aspirin that thin the blood should be avoided).

The complete healing process can take up to six weeks so we schedule multiple visits at least four weeks apart.
How much will Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston cost?

Usually it takes multiple visits to remove a tattoo, although each treatment at Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston takes only a few minutes to a half-an-hour. While the number of visits required will affect the total cost of the treatment, keep in mind that any tattoo removal facility that uses state-of-the-art laser equipment will be more cost effective because it will require less time and fewer visits to remove the tattoo.

Costs range from several hundred to around a thousand dollars at Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston, depending on the tattoo’s age, size, and complexity.
Come in to Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston for a Free Consultation!

At Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston our service is safe, clean, and affordable. Let us set up a FREE consultation to discuss a laser tattoo removal plan that meets your budget!

About the Author: Tadmin51