How Much is Laser Tattoo Removal in Houston

How much is laser tattoo removal? is one of the first questions asked when considering the removal of an unwanted tattoo. Like the tattoo itself, the individuality of each piece of ink and their varying components factor into the cost of removal. Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal offers a free tattoo removal consultation, where a Certified Laser Specialist (CLS) will examine your tattoo, explain the procedure and give you an estimate on cost.

1. How Much Is Laser Tattoo Removal? Size Matters

Tattoo removal cost is calculated on a per-session basis – the bigger the tattoo, the more sessions required for removal. So how much is laser tattoo removal? As a general guide:

  • small tattoos: $125/session;
  • medium tattoos: $200/session;
  • large tattoos: $350/per session;
  • multiple tattoos: attract a 30% discount off all other tattoos being removed at that visit.

Tattoo size is calculated as follows:

  • small: completely covered by one hand;
  • medium: covered by two hands;
  • large: extends past two hands.

For a more complete costing, your tattoo will need to be examined by one of our professional tattoo removal specialists.

2. How Much Is Laser Tattoo Removal? Quality Control

The quality of your tattoo contributes to the cost of its removal. Tattoos inked by a professional tend to have greater pigmentation depth than those performed by amateur artists. As such, tattoos with deeper ink require more sessions for their removal to achieve quality results.

Age also factors into quality. Regardless of the artist, tattoos fade over time – the older the tattoo, the more faded it is, and the less sessions it requires to remove. Conversely, the newer the tattoo, the more sessions needed.

3. How Much Is Laser Tattoo Removal? Location, Location, Location

Tattoo placement has a direct bearing on the amount of sessions for successful tattoo removal. Tattoos inked to areas of the body with little-to-no insulating fat prove more difficult to remove, and therefore necessitate more sessions. These areas include:

  • hands and feet;
  • elbows and knees;
  • back.

When deciding on tattoo removal on any of the above locations, you may need to factor in additional cost.

4. How Much Is Laser Tattoo Removal? Tonal Factors

The color(s) of your tattoo need to be taken into consideration when determining cost. Bright colors such as red, purple, yellow and green are more resistant to laser treatments and would require more sessions, whereas dark blue and black tattoos respond much better to laser removal treatments and are therefore conducive to fewer sessions.

Skin color also factors into tattoo removal. Tattoos inked to darker skin tend to require more sessions especially where lighter ink is used, as care needs to be taken to ensure skin tone is maintained. Tattoo aftercare, and the better your immune system (the better your healing properties), may also reduce the amount of laser treatment sessions required.
How much is laser tattoo removal? All of the above points need to be taken into consideration when it comes to costing laser tattoo removal, which is why it’s best to visit Sugar Land Laser Tattoo Removal for an expert opinion. And remember, the treatments require a minimum of four weeks between sessions to allow for healing, which spreads out the cost for you.

About the Author: Tadmin51