Answers To The Big Question, “Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?”

Here at Sugar Land, we know the feeling as you ponder whether or not to get that old tattoo removed, you stop every time, hesitate and ask yourself, “does tattoo removal hurt?” Laser Tattoo Removal Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Katy. We know the feeling as you ponder whether or not to get that old tattoo removed.

So stop asking yourself “does tattoo removal hurt?” and instead turn to us, the experts. We’ve answered the “does tattoo removal hurt” question hundreds of times, and dozens of different ways.  Here are our top-five responses. We’ll cross our fingers that one of them works for you.

“Does tattoo removal hurt?” “Shoot, not as much as it hurt to get that thing!”

This is our number one answer, and the easiest one on our books. If you were tough enough to get the tattoo in the first place, there is no reason you can’ t handle getting it removed. Does tattoo removal hurt? Not as bad as you’d think. Imagine getting hit with a rubber band for a couple of minutes. It’s a bit of a shock, but nothing serious. Does tattoo removal hurt? Turns out, only a little. In fact, The process works by flashing a specific laser frequency over the tattoo to break up the ink. Your body takes care of the rest. You’ve can’t expect that to feel like rose petals, but how about the thorns?

“Does tattoo removal hurt?” “Sure, but would you rather explain that hot mess to your kids?”

Sometimes the answer to life’s questions lie in something bigger than yourself. Next time you see that swirl scrawled over your shoulder and find yourself muttering, “does tattoo removal hurt?” Think instead, “do I want to explain a wrinkly version of this to my boss? In-laws? Children?”

Tattoos are all too often once-in-a-lifetime bad decisions. Maybe it looked great for Spring Break 2004, but now your physique just doesn’t cater to the demanding curves of tribal art. Now in light of having to explain those unsightly blotches away, keeping them around just doesn’t make as much sense.

Compare that to a couple of four week periods where, in between sessions, your skin will slowly heal, appearing to have the mild blisters of a casual day with too much sun. Sure, won’t be like sleeping on 300 thread count Egyptian cotton, but it won’t be that bad either.

“Does tattoo removal hurt?” “Yes. Plain and simple. Just not that bad.”

The simple fact of the matter is that yes, no matter what your reason for wanting that tattoo off your body, and the end of the day, the only real answer to the question, “does tattoo removal hurt?” is simply “yes.” Maybe it was a great decision at the time, and life just happened around it. Maybe you knew you shouldn’t be getting it at the time, but bowed to peer pressure. Regardless, while its not a terrible process, it still won’t be a pleasure cruise. But if you’re even considering the question, “does tattoo removal hurt?” odds are you’ve got something you’d like to see go away. It’s not a very painful process, and it’s not very expensive. Don’t live with a tattoo you don’t want. Get the process done, and get it started today.

About the Author: Tadmin51