8 Ways to Promote Proper Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare

Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare – Important Things You Should Know to Promote Healing
Once you undergo to the process to have a tattoo removed you may be concerned about the laser tattoo removal aftercare.  Although a superficial burn wound may occur, proper treatment and care of the area will promote proper healing.  There are simple steps you can follow to maintain proper laser tattoo removal aftercare.

8 Ways to Promote Proper Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare

  1. Make sure the treated area remains clean and dry.  You may carefully clean the area with soap and water and then apply antibiotic ointment. You can use the antibiotic ointment up to 3 times a day during the healing process.  For up to 24 hours after the laser treatment you can use cold compresses directly on the treated area.
  2. Don’t be overly concerned if a blister forms, this is a common reaction and may occur 8 hours after your treatment’s completion.  Blistering indicates that the area is healing and your immune system is starting the removal process of the tattoo ink.  A blister may pop, this promotes healing and shouldn’t be a concern to your tattoo removal aftercare.
  3. When the scab forms, make sure you do not pick at it or allow the area to be scraped.  This premature removal of the scab may result in infection or scarring.  Your body will take care of the scar during the healing process.  Plain Tylenol is acceptable for any pain, but avoid aspirin.
  4. You can shower two hours after the completion of your treatment, but be careful that the treated area isn’t directly in the path of a high pressured stream of water.  Although you may shower, avoid any form of soaking (baths, swimming pools, hot tubs) until the healing is complete.
  5. For the three months after the treatment, always wear a sun block containing SPF 25 or higher each time you are in the sun.  Makeup, cream, or medication should not be placed on the treated area until 48 hours after the treatment.
  6. If the area itches, which is very common after tattoo removal treatment, you can choose to use hydrocortisone cream, Aquaphor, or vitamin E ointment.
  7. If you become concerned about the possibility of infection (oozing, spreading redness, or crusting that is honey colored) contact our office immediately.  Even with proper tattoo removal aftercare, infection may occur.  Please ensure you seek medical care as soon as symptoms develop.
  8. Most importantly, if you experience a severe reaction to the laser tattoo removal, immediately go to an emergency care facility or call 911.

At Sugarland Laser Tattoo Removal we are committed to a top notch tattoo removal process for each of our clients, including proper laser tattoo removal aftercare.

About the Author: Tadmin51