5 questions to ask yourself regarding tattoo removal methods

You are finally ready to lose that tattoo and are looking into various tattoo removal methods. Everyone has their reasons for tattoo removal. They can signify a time in your life that has past or you are ready to move on from. Whatever the reason, just as you may have researched the perfect tattoo during its creation, it is just as wise to do the same research when looking at tattoo removal methods.

Here are the right questions to ask regarding the various tattoo removal methods before taking the plunge into tattoo removal

There are several tattoo removal methods available. Here are some questions you should ask yourself about tattoo removal methods:

  • What methods of tattoo removal are out there?
  • What is the safest of the tattoo removal methods?
  • How long can you expect the tattoo removal methods to take before the end result is a clear ink-free skin, to include any sign that the tattoo ever existed?
  • What type of expenses are involved with each of the tattoo removal methods?
  • Which of the tattoo removal methods gives you the best results when all is said and done?

Tattoo removal methods that are most popular

The newest form of tattoo removal is laser tattoo removal and it overwhelmingly has the best results. Other tattoo removal methods are to remove the tattoo through surgical procedures or cutting out the tattoo, creams to fade the tattoo over long periods of time, and even blurring the tattoo by buffering the skin.

The safest tattoo removal methods have the least side effects

The laser removal process has the least likelihood of scarring or potential damage to the skin. Lasers go into the third layer of skin and break up the ink particles so that your body can then naturally dispel the ink. You will see the ink disappear over a few visits to a laser tattoo removal specialist. Not all tattoo removal methods can do this.

The length of time it takes to remove a tattoo simply depends on the size and shape of the tattoo to be removed and the tattoo removal methods used

An average listing of time taken to eliminate the tattoo completely is listed below for each of the tattoo removal methods:

  • laser tattoo removal; 6-12 months
  • buffering (with scarring); 24 hours
  • skin removing surgery (with scarring); 24 hours
  • fade creams; 6-12 month

Cautions on tattoo removal methods

Fade creams are not guaranteed to completely work. Many of these creams use hydroquinone, a chemical that is banned in parts of Europe and may be considered carcinogenic. Removal through surgery causes huge scarring issues. Laser tattoo removal is less invasive; it is assisting your body to naturally get rid of the ink. It leaves behind little, if no trace of a tattoo after several sessions.

Costs differ depending on the tattoo removal methods used:

Laser tattoo removal Houston is an ongoing process where the client must come back for subsequent visits to see improvement in skin tone, ink disintegration and overall fading of the tattoo. The higher priced of the tattoo removal methods, it is the most technologically advanced method, creating natural smooth skin tones after the removal process is over. Surgery is expensive and leaves unsightly scarring. Fade creams can start out seemingly inexpensive enough but, over time with usage, this can rack up quite the bill.

Overall, the safest of the tattoo removal methods with least scarring and the best skin results is laser tattoo removal.

About the Author: Tadmin51