3 Ways to Get the Fastest Tattoo Removal

If you have a tattoo that you no longer want, you probably want the fastest tattoo removal possible. Although tattoos can fade or change in appearance over time, they are designed to be permanent. As a result, tattoo removal can be costly, both in terms of time and money. Fortunately, there are a variety of options that can help you achieve the fastest tattoo removal, though each of these options has distinct advantages and disadvantages.

The Fastest Tattoo Removal – Lasers

One of the most commonly used techniques for removing tattoos is laser removal. Currently, most doctors use “Q-switched lasers” to vaporize tattoo ink granules and remove tattoos. These lasers emit intense pulses of light that have a duration of nanoseconds (billionths of a second) to accurately eliminate the ink granules. This allows for more powerful laser sources to be used while minimizing the damage done to your skin, helping to provide the fastest tattoo removal.

Experts can use different laser colors, which can help provide the fastest tattoo removal. For example, green tattoo ink is best removed using a Q-switched ruby laser. The wavelength of a Q-switched Nd:yag laser, on the other hand, can be optimized for the removal of blue and black ink or red/orange colored tattoo pigments. A different type of laser, known as a Q-switched Alexandrite laser, works well for green, blue and black tattoos and may provide for the fastest tattoo removal for designs using primarily those inks.

Laser tattoo removal is considered to be one of the safest and most effective ways for getting rid of a tattoo, but it usually requires multiple sessions to be effective. Depending on the size of the tattoo and the number of colors present, you may need between 1 and 10 sessions to completely eradicate the tattoo from your skin, so this process can take anywhere from several weeks to a few months to complete. Still, lasers are considered to be among the fastest tattoo removal techniques

The Fastest Tattoo Removal – Pulsed Light

Another way to remove tattoos involves the use of a intense pulsations of light. This technique is similar to laser removal, but it uses a different type of light source. With this strategy, a special gel is applied to the skin and then a wand is used to emit powerful beams of light that vaporize the tattoo. Intense pulsed light therapy is thought by some to provide the fastest tattoo removal but it can also be more expensive. Each pulse of light can cost up to 10 dollars, so although this may provide for the fastest tattoo removal and be less painful, the price tag is often much greater.

 The Fastest Tattoo Removal –
Dermabrasion is another technique favored by some looking for the fastest tattoo removal while looking for a lower cost. Dermabrasion involves abrading the skin over the tattoo with a diamond-tipped brush or wire to sand or scratch the skin. The resulting inflammation can help remove the tattoo ink from your body. However, this technique can cause significant scarring.

The Fastest Tattoo Removal – Conclusion

If you are looking to permanently eliminate a tattoo, you have a variety of options. Q-switched lasers are one of the most common techniques, but other options may suit you better, depending on your budget and the type of tattoo. The main question for you is, what technique works best for you to get the fastest tattoo removal possible.If

About the Author: Tadmin51