3 of the Newest Tattoo Removal Techniques to Consider

Many ask of the newest tattoo removal options when they need one removed.

Usually when a person gets a tattoo, they believe that they will want it for life, but life changes and that’s when the newest tattoo removal techniques come in. Until recent years, tattoo removal was not an option most people did not consider, because the only options left many marks were very painful. These are techniques such as cheap removal creams, dermabrasion, salabrasion, and excision. There are have been great strides in the field of tattoo removal in recent decades though, and the newest tattoo removal options are becoming increasingly popular procedures. Read on to find out about the newest tattoo removal solutions that are being used, which leave less unsightly marks and hurt much less.

Tattoo creams have been around for some time, but fading tattoo creams are one of the newest tattoo removal methods.

Some tattoo creams are quite abrasive, burning the skin and then scarring it. This is why they aren’t popular options. A few new types of fading creams though break down the ink of tattoo allowing the body to dispose of it. This cream quickens the body’s natural fading process, as the body naturally wants to purge itself of everything unnatural. It is a slow and demanding method, though. You must be regular with applications, but what lacks in speed, it makes up for in price, as it is one of the cheapest options. Depending on which brand you use, the process can be painless or slightly painful. Some have reported that the tattoo lightening until it’s no longer recognizable and others have reported the tattoo visibly disappearing.

Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is one of the newest tattoo removal methods.

It is mostly used in spas and was initially created to treat acne. Gel is applied to the tattooed area and then a high intensity light is pulsed over it repeatedly breaking down the ink. IPL has been reported to be quite effective, especially for light colors in tattoos. It is also reported to be only slightly to somewhat painful. Remember though, that this is usually only performed at spas, which means it carries a hefty price tag. Some spas may charge by the pulse, and more than one session is required.

Laser removal is the newest tattoo removal technology and it is continually advancing.

Laser removal works similarly to IPL therapy by using pulses of light to treat inked areas. Usually three wavelengths of light are used in pulses to break ink down, which can then be cleared away by your body. Most people need more than one session to completely remove their tattoo. And, the more treatments you have, the more your skin becomes prone to problems such as blisters and scabs. It can also be pricey, as the price is charged by the size of the tattoo by session. It is reported to be somewhat painful, as blisters and scabbing are possible, but it remains a popular option of the newest tattoo removal techniques.

Tattoo removal techniques have come a long way since tattoos themselves have become popular. If you feel yours no longer fit you, you can have it removed without severely painful procedures and scars remaining.

About the Author: Tadmin51