Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe – Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Katy

Is Tattoo Removal Safe … YES!

When you’ve finally decided you’re ready to lose your tattoos, it’s only natural that one of your concerns would be “Is tattoo removal safe?” There are a number of steps you can take to insure that your tattoo removal is indeed safe, and complete. Besides wondering, “Is tattoo removal safe?” you probably are curious as to which tattoo removal method will be best for you. Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe – Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Katy. Is Tattoo Removal Safe … YES! When you’ve decided you’re ready to lose your tattoo

Is Tattoo Removal Safer With One Method as Opposed to Another?

Safety and risk factors vary according to the method of tattoo removal you choose to use. the risks vary. Let’s take a look at some of the various tattoo removal methods available.

Up until the past decade or so, dermabrasion, salabrasion or excision were the usual forms of tattoo removal. However, dermabrasion is just not able to go deep enough to remove most tattoos and is painful, with a tendency to leave scarring. Salabrasion (using salt solution-drenched pads to abrade the tattooed skin) is essentially non-effective, and again, can be really painful and result in ugly scars.

The surgical cutting out of a tattoo, known as excision, is most definitely going to create some scarring, and possibly damages healthy tissue and cells surrounding the tattoo area. So if tattoo removal safety is possible, what kind of method is best?

How About DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Tattoo Removal?

Even though it’s possible to find several DIY (do-it-yourself) tattoo removal creams and other types of at-home kits, when you ask “is tattoo removal safe” with DIY, the truth of the matter is, the answer’s “sometimes not..” Some of the creams and other treatments contain harmful chemicals and ingredients that may damage your skin & your health.

Okay – So Is Tattoo Removal Safe When Performed by Lasers?

Today’s state-of-the-art laser tattoo removal technology is truly a lot safer, as well as more effective than the other methods listed above. Laser removal is a bloodless procedure, and leaves extremely little or in most cases, no scarring whatsoever..

6 Reassurances so the Answer to “Is Tattoo Removal Safe?” is “Yes!”

Just to put your mind at ease, a number of safety precautions are part of most laser tattoo removal  procedures.

  1. A large number of patients worry about whether the lasers project enough radiation to cause cancer. “If I’m exposed to laser beams, is tattoo removal safe?” Absolutely, yes. The type of lasers used are FDA approved, and their wavelengths contain non-ionizing radiation. Therefore, any cancer risk is essentially nonexistent.
  2. “Is laser tattoo removal safe for my eyes?” Again, the answer is “yes.” To ensure eye safety, patients & laser practitioners always wear protective goggles which especially shield the retinas.
  3. “How do the lasers work when removing tattoos?” Short bursts of laser light basically bust up the ink pigment into tiny particles. Then your immune system can easily expel those particles from your body.
  4. “What pre-surgical precautions take place before surgery, to help me know is tattoo removal safe?” Ice will be applied to your skin before the laser treatment. This helps keep swelling to a minimum..
  5. “What side effects might I experience following laser tattoo removal?” Pretty minimal ones, actually. You’ll most likely have a few temporary minor side effects which may include swelling, redness and perhaps some blistering.
  6. “Is tattoo removal safe all the way through my aftercare and healing?” Right after your laser tattoo removal treatment, a mild antibiotic ointment will be applied to the skin, then dressed with a sterile bandage. Your doctor, nurse of laser technician will advise you on  your aftercare.

Good Luck on the road to getting rid of your tattoos once & for all – safely!

About the Author: Tadmin51