5 Ways to a Safe Tattoo Removal

According to a recent medical study, 24 percent of Americans have at least one tattoo on their body and 17 percent of them have given serious consideration to a safe tattoo removal medical procedure.

The good news is that the safe tattoo removal medical procedure has evolved over time and become a very painless process. Safe tattoo removal isn’t cheap or a quick process, but they’re several choices to choose from.

Here are five safe tattoo removal medical procedures:

1) Dermabrasion/Salabrasion Procedure 

Dermabrasion/salabrasion is a very extreme safe tattoo removal procedure, as you rub a salt solution onto your skin and then proceed to sand down or scrape away the tattoo off your skin with a medical cloth swab. This method of treatment can cause severe blisters and scabs to form, as they will eventually turn into permanent scars. The amount of treatments needed for safe tattoo removal is difficult to determine because of the body’s different healing process from patient to patient.

2) Laser Light Removal

The most common method of safe laser tattoo removal Houston-Missouri City is using a laser light, but it’s also a very expensive procedure. Some past patients will say that it’s the most painful option available on the market today. People with sensitive skin will cause some damage to themselves, as this procedure often leads to minimal scarring around where the tattoo was removed. You will sit under a beam of light that breaks down the tattoo ink into small particles that your body will absorb. The greater the color contrast between your skin and the tattoo, the easier this process becomes. Smaller and older tattoos are ideal to remove with this procedure, as the ink dissolves immediately in the initial treatment.

3) Cryosurgery

If money is an issue in choosing a safe tattoo removal process, then a cheaper alternative is cryosurgery. This medical procedure freezes or burns off the tattooed skin area with liquid nitrogen. This safe tattoo removal process is similar to the method of removing warts and skin lesions off the human body. Extremely cold liquid is applied to the target area, as they peel away layers of skin around the tattoo. Depending on how your skin reacts to this safe tattoo removal procedure, you may feel a little discomfort during your initial treatments.

4) Tattoo Removal Cream

Tattoo removal cream is a home safe tattoo removal remedy that is specifically-designed to remove unwanted ink, and it has become the preferred solution. You apply the cream by using an exfoliation pad, as it will attempt to remove the dead skin cells from underneath the tattoo. You should wait until the surface has completely dried before placing any clothing over the cream. If your tattoo is located in an exposed area, then there’s no reason to cover up the safe tattoo removal cream.

5) Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Intense pulsed light therapy is a relatively-new safe tattoo removal that places the patient under a high beam of light to successfully remove a tattoo. Before you go under the light, a gel will be placed all around the target area on your skin. A wand is waved to emit the ray of light onto the target area, as past users have fully endorsed this safe tattoo removal procedure being the least painful and most effective form to remove ink.

About the Author: Tadmin51