How Much is Tattoo Removal With A Laser

How Much is Tattoo Removal in Your Particular Case?

Answering the question how much is laser tattoo removal requires an initial consultation at a tattoo removal clinic. There are several factors that determine the overall cost of the removal process that vary from person to person. An examination of the tattoos and skin is necessary before the cost can be determined, but initial consultations are usually free. The factors that determine overall cost include: tattoo size; tattoo complexity; location of the tattoo; and, complexion of the person’s skin.

How Much is Tattoo Removal Based on Tattoo Size
Tattoos can be large medium or small. The size is a factor in determining the number of treatments needed to complete the removal process. The more treatments needed the higher the overall cost.

How Much is Tattoo Removal Based on Tattoo Complexity
The complexity of the tattoo is determined by the use of different colored inks. Some colors are easier to remove than others and different lasers are used for different colored inks. The more complex a tattoo the more treatments the removal process will require and the more treatments the higher the overall cost.

How Much is Tattoo Removal Based on Tattoo Location
The laser lights break ink pigments in the tattoo down into small particles which are then removed by the body through the blood stream. The ink is removed faster in areas of the body where blood circulation is strongest and slower where circulation tends to be weakest. The extremities, such as, hands and feet tend to take the longest for ink removal and tattoos in those areas generally require more treatment sessions than other areas where blood circulation is stronger.

How Much is Tattoo Removal in Terms of Over All Cost
The general answer to how much is tattoo removal ranges from $250 to $850 depending on the cost factors discussed above. When multiple tattoos are removed discounts are usually available for additional tattoos worked on in a single session. For the first tattoo you pay full price but for each additional tattoo included in a session you pay a lower price depending on the discount provided.

Answering the question how much is laser tattoo removal for the individual requires an initial consultation at a tattoo removal clinic.

About the Author: Tadmin51